resistance is not futile

about us

The Women’s Advocacy Initiative was founded by Sheerin Gryloo to fight for survivors of sexual assault while impressing the monumental importance of self-advocacy upon women. WAI aspires to reduce the shame and stigma associated with sexual violence, and to provide a network of mental health, medical, and legal services at no cost to individuals who pursue action against their assailant. Amidst both a justice system and an entire culture that work so profoundly to silence victims, we work to equip women with the necessary resources and support to advocate for themselves, make informed decisions, and stand up for their rights.

finding justice for survivors

The organization was launched in 2023 with three main initiatives: Coffee Chats, Share Your Story, and the Resource Guide. The Coffee Chats offered survivors the platform to redefine their narrative. Share Your Story brought communities together as they received a place to share art, poetry, stories, and more, shifting the traditional format of what it means to share your story. Meanwhile, the Resource Guide offered a list of resources survivors could refer to when seeking assistance.

Hundreds of survivors reached out after seeing the initiatives – submitting their stories, signing up for Coffee Chats, and requesting assistance. One concern remained: How do you navigate getting help when you need it most? WAI recognized the difficulty survivors have in navigating the droves of information available. The team reworked the Resource Guide into the Survivor Support Network expected to pilot launch in August 2024. This resource allows survivors to fill in their information and be paired with free mental health, legal, and medical support with the financial costs being covered by WAI.


The founder of WAI, Sheerin Gryloo, is deeply committed to empowering women and girls through the promotion of self-advocacy. She actively engages with students and professionals at secondary and higher education institutions, delivering impactful seminars, talks, and intimate "fireside chats." Her focus goes beyond the realm of addressing sexual assault—it encompasses the vital role of self-advocacy in all facets of life.
Any organization or educational institution that aspires to make a meaningful impact in these critical areas is encouraged to reach out and inquire about scheduling a seminar. Our engagements are distinguished by their capacity to drive transformative action, assisting institutions in paving the way for a steadfast commitment to fostering a culture of advocacy and safety for women and girls.

get involved

There are countless opportunities to make a difference with WAI, whether through donations, volunteering, or partnerships. By getting involved, you will directly contribute to creating a lasting impact in the lives of sexual assault survivors. Stay updated on upcoming fundraisers and new opportunities to participate by subscribing below.

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