Share Your Story: A Global Voice

WAI is proud to announce Share Your Story: A Global Voice, an initiative founded by Valentina Mejia with the desire to represent the multicultural voices of survivors.

Our insulation amidst such a diverse planet can limit our awareness of global events. As a result, our perspectives are often narrow and limited to our own experiences, particularly regarding our knowledge and perception of sexual violence in different countries and cultures.

In this highlight of the Share Your Story Initiative, we share the experiences of women beyond U.S. borders to not only gain a better understanding of sexual violence around the world, but to strengthen transnational and transcultural solidarity amongst women against sexual violence.

The rose, a staple symbol of the Women’s Advocacy Initiative, is a flower known for its wide range of symbols and meanings, including passion and courage. The women we spotlight exemplify these qualities with strength and beauty as they come forward to share their stories from all over the world. Each story will be presented with a flower representative of each survivor’s country and culture, indicating the unique beauty of each survivor and their blossoming into power and resilience.

We encourage you to share your story in whatever medium you wish. Art, poetry, any traditional written format, short stories, a quote that has profound meaning to you, a link to your interview with a news network, or even a single sentence - all are welcome. Please share any submissions to, or via Instagram DM. Anonymity will be maintained unless otherwise requested.


Share Your Story: A Global Voice from Medellín, Colombia


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